“Bitcoin” has become a household moniker in reference to the name of the originating cryptocurrency itself, along with others that have come along since Bitcoin’s inception. This page serves as a resource for the top cryptocurrencies to research besides bitcoin.
To Learn More About Bitcoin Read: What Is Bitcoin?
If you are reading this article, we are assuming you have a general sense that Bitcoin the first decentralized cryptocurrency created back in 2009.
Other popular cryptocurrencies that were invented after Bitcoin are more accurately called “altcoins” (short for Alternative Coins).
By now, there are thousands of altcoin projects out there. So you may be asking yourself: Where do I start learning about the cryptocurrency space? What coins should I be looking at to get started?
According to well-known cryptocurrency investors such as Brock Pierce, Dan Fleyshman, and Dave Levine, the general consensus is to get started by investing a small amount into a well-known established cryptocurrency to get your feet wet. That way, you have a general understanding and begin developing a foundation for how the exchanges work and hands-on experience with the space.
Whether your strategy is HODL or some form of trading, here we will tell you about the top cryptocurrencies being discussed today. Since the environment is so rapidly growing, please keep in mind that this list can quickly become outdated by the time you are reading this.
We will also share some of the conversations around these coins and where to learn more. We will tell you what we know about the founder of the cryptocurrency, their team, and other insights from our research. In addition, we will offer what we have found as reliable exchanges and wallets to transfer these cryptocurrencies.
NOTE: Due to the rapidly changing cryptocurrency environment and emerging Cryptocurrency projects, this list below can change.
Bitcoin (BTC)
Bitcoin’s founder is the ever legendary figure named Satoshi Satoshi Nakamoto. No one knows whether he or she is an actual person or a group of people, however, feel free to come to your own ideas and believe what makes sense to you. The dream of Bitcoin was to develop a decentralized currency that everyone in the world could use, so it seems fitting that the founder’s “identity” is decentralized of a “sole owner” so to speak.
Brock Pierce, Roger Ver, Wences Casares
Note: These are a few well-known Bitcoin investors, look them up and follow them.
Where To Learn More
Bitcoin.org — A reputable place to buy Bitcoin and also the site founded by Satoshi Nakamoto for this innovative payment network and new kind of money.
Coinmarketcap.com/currencies/bitcoin — This is where you can get the Bitcoin price, charts, and other cryptocurrency info.
Wikipedia.org/wiki/Bitcoin — The Wikipedia page on Bitcoin offers an overview of Bitcoin.
Bitcoin.com — A provider of Bitcoin wallets and educational resources founded by Emil Oldenburg and Roger Ver. The site can help with buying bitcoins and choosing a bitcoin wallet. You can also read the latest news, or engage with the community on their Bitcoin Forum. It is a commercial website that lists wallets, exchanges and other bitcoin related companies.
Books & Resources

Nathaniel Popper (2015). Digital Gold. New York City, NY: Harper Collins.
Digital Gold: Bitcoin And The Inside Story Of The Misfits And Millionaires Trying To Reinvent Money.

Of course, this list wouldn’t be complete without Bitcoin For Dummies.
Learn to:
-Understand the ins and outs of the bitcoin market
-Set up your bitcoin wallet and get started
-Protect yourself against fraud and theft
Where To Buy Bitcoins
- Coinbase.com — Coinbase is by far the most reputable and easiest way to buy bitcoin by verifying your ID and linking your bank account. Coinbase is an actual exchange, so you are able to buy bitcoin directly from the system. Their desktop site is just as easy to use as their mobile application.
- Bitcoin.com — Bitcoin is another user friendly way to buy bitcoin by connecting an Exchange. Note that this is not an exchange itself and you will have to connect an exchange in order to buy and sell Bitcoin. Nonetheless, you will still be able to buy bitcoin through their mobile app. The app will take you to buy.bitcoin.com which will provide you the option to link your credit card powered by the Simplex exchange.
Bitcoin Cash (BCH)
Bitcoin Cash is a peer-to-peer electronic cash for the Internet. It is fully decentralized, with no central bank and requires no trusted third parties to operate. Although Bitcoin Cash is the continuation of the Bitcoin project as peer-to-peer digital cash, it is different. It is a fork of the Bitcoin Classic blockchain ledger, with upgraded consensus rules that allow it to grow and scale.
N/A. It is a cryptocurrency extended from Bitcoin Core (BTC) open source technology as a result of a prolonged disagreement on how to handle the bitcoin scalability problem.
Roger Ver is a well-known supporter of Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash.
Where To Learn More
Bitcoincash.org — This is the project’s main website where you can find more information about the currency. Read the About section and FAQ’s to learn more.
Coinmarketcap.com/currencies/bitcoin-cash — This is where you can get the Bitcoin Cash price, charts, and other cryptocurrency info.
Wikipedia.org/wiki/Bitcoin_Cash — The Wikipedia page on Bitcoin Cash offers an overview of Bitcoin Cash, which officially took effect on August 1, 2017. It explains the reason for it being created, development & launch, market acceptance and potential tax implications.
Investopedia.com/terms/b/bitcoin-cash.asp —Describes Bitcoin Cash another way. You’ll learn the increase in block size between Bitcoin Cash differs from Bitcoin Classic, the removal of Segregated Witness (SegWit), and potential potential opportunities and challenges the cryptocurrency faces.
Cointelegraph.com/tags/bitcoin-cash — This cryptocurrency news site offers the latest news on Bitcoin, Etherium and other cryptocurrencies. Here you’ll see articles pertaining to “Bitcoin Cash.”
Books & Resources
Sean Bennett (2017). Cryptocurrency. North Charleston, SC: CreateSpace Publishing.
Cryptocurrency: Understanding Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum, & Altcoins.
Where To Buy Bitcoin Cash
Ethereum (ETH)
Vitalik Buterin, the co-founder of the Ethereum blockchain and its associated cryptocurrency.
Note: These are a few well-known Ethereum investors, look them up and follow them on Twitter.
Books & Resources
Ikuya Takashima (2017).Ethereum: The Ultimate Guide To The World of Ethereum. North Charleston, SC: CreateSpace Publishing.
Ethereum: The Ultimate Guide to the World of Ethereum, Ethereum Mining, Ethereum Investing, Smart Contracts, Dapps and DAOs, Ether, Blockchain Technology
Where To Buy Ethereum
- Coinbase.com — One of the most reputable and easiest ways to buy Ethereum by verifying your ID and linking your bank account. Coinbase is an actual exchange, so you are able to buy Ethereum directly from the system. Their desktop site is just as easy to use as their mobile application. You will also be able to buy Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, and Litecoin.
Litecoin (LTC)
Former Google employee, Charlie Lee, founded Litecoin in 2011. An interesting note is that he says he’s sold all his holdings in the cryptocurrency. As of December 20, 2017, he says he “sold and donated” all of his Litecoin tokens over the past few days. The Litecoin creator said there was a “conflict of interest” with him holding Litecoin. Read more.
Regardless of the intentions of Lee’s comment, this is concerning. You’ll also notice that there is a lack of a management team. There are mixed conversations regarding Litecoin, so while it is a major cryptocurrency at this time, others that have already surpassed it in popularity and market cap are on the rise.
Where To Learn More
Litecoin.org — This is the project’s main website.
Coinmarketcap.com/currencies/litecoin — This is where you can get the Litecoin price, charts, and other cryptocurrency info.
Books & Resources
Ikuya Takashima (2017). Litecoin: The Ultimate Guide To The World of Litecoin. North Charleston, SC: CreateSpace Publishing.
Litecoin: The Ultimate Guide to the World of Litecoin, Litecoin Crypocurrency, Litecoin Investing, Litecoin Mining, Litecoin Guide, Cryptocurrency
Where To Buy Litecoin
- Coinbase.com — One of the most reputable and easiest ways to buy Litecoin by verifying your ID and linking your bank account. Coinbase is an actual exchange, so you are able to buy Litecoin directly from the system. Their desktop site is just as easy to use as their mobile application. You will also be able to buy Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, and Ethereum.
Ripple (XRP)
Where To Learn More
Coinmarketcap.com/currencies/ripple — This is where you can get the Ripple price, charts, and other cryptocurrency info.
Ripple.com — The company website provides information about the project.
Books & Resources
Abraham K. White (2017). Cryptocurrency. North Charleston, SC: CreateSpace Publishing.
Cryptocurrency 2018: Mining, Investing and Trading in Blockchain, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Ripple, Dash, Dogecoin, Emercoin, Putincoin, Auroracoin and others.
Where To Buy Ripple
Unlike Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum, and Litecoin, you cannot buy Ripple directly with fiat. You must purchase on an exchange with another cryptocurrency such as Bitcoin.
Stellar Lumens (XLM)
Jed McCaleb is a co-founder of Stellar Development Foundation. Previously, he created eDonkey2000 which became one of the largest file-sharing networks during its time. He later created Mt. Gox, the first bitcoin exchange, which was subsequently sold and re-coded by its current owners, followed by Ripple.
Joyce Kim the other co-founder and current chairperson of the board. Prior to cofounding the Stellar Development Foundation, Joyce was a VC at Freestyle Capital. She graduated from Cornell University at the age of 19, followed by graduate school at Harvard and Columbia Law School.
An investor who is a fan of Stellar is Dave Levine. He reminds his viewers that he is not a financial advisor and you shouldn’t take action simply because of another investor’s opinions. However, he is a solid person to follow and gain more insights to help you decide where you would like to invest your time researching. He does encourage us to do our own research and is open to sharing his journey with us via his YouTube channel and social media. So do your own research and come to conclusions that fit your particular situation.
Where To Learn More
Coinmarketcap.com/currencies/stellar — This is where you can get the Stellar price, charts, and other cryptocurrency info.
Stellar.org — The company website provides information about the project, where you will find their blog, recommended wallets, resources for developers, and a short description of each person on the team. You will also learn what a Lumen is and the basics of how to use the Stellar network.
Books & Resources
Reddit.com/r/Stellar/ — The reddit forum offers a large community of supporters and followers of the Stellar Lumens cryptocurrency.
Where To Buy Stellar Lumens
Unlike Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum, and Litecoin, you cannot buy Stellar directly with fiat. You must purchase on an exchange with another cryptocurrency such as Bitcoin.
Other Resources
Crypto Capital – Blockchain Venture Fund